Probate in California: The Ticking Time Bomb That Could Devastate Your Family’s Future

Man and woman escaping explosion near probate sign

Probate in California can be costly and time-consuming, threatening your family's financial security. Learn essential strategies to avoid probate and ensure your assets pass smoothly to your heirs.

June 2, 2024

Probate in California can be a ticking time bomb for your family’s financial future if you don’t plan ahead. This court-supervised process for settling estates is not only lengthy and costly, but also opens your private matters to public scrutiny. Many heirs are shocked to learn how much of their inheritance gets eaten up by legal fees, taxes and creditor claims.

This guide explains what California probate entails, how to tell if an estate will likely require probate, strategies to avoid it when possible, and ways to simplify the process if it’s unavoidable. Learn how proper estate planning with tools like living trusts, joint ownership, beneficiary designations and more can preserve assets and legacies.

Whether you’re planning your own estate or facing the probate process after the passing of a family member, get expert insights on navigating this complex legal landscape. From taking swift action to protect the estate to preparing for court, resolving disputes, and ultimately distributing assets, find out what it takes to survive probate.

1. Understand What Triggers Probate in California

    • Dying Without a Valid Will: Intestate estates default to probate so the court can determine rightful heirs under CA law.
    • Owning Assets Solely in Decedent’s Name: Property not transferred to living trusts or owned jointly must pass through probate.
    • Having Only a Will, Not a Trust: Wills merely specify final wishes but don’t avoid probate – assets must still be court-supervised.
    • Lacking Proper Beneficiary Designations: Bank accounts, investments and life insurance with no payable-on-death terms are probate-bound.
    • High-Value Estates Over $184,500: Estates appraised above this threshold generally require full probate proceedings.


    • After Mike died without a will, his siblings battled each other in probate court over who would inherit his home and vintage car collection.
    • Jenny kept her checking account and condo solely in her own name, so upon her death they had to pass through probate before her heirs could access them.
    • Ed had a basic will directing his assets to his children, but no trust, so his estate still required court-supervised probate.
    • With no beneficiary listed on her 401(k), Ruth’s retirement savings sat in limbo until the probate judge sorted out who should inherit it.
    • Valued at $500,000, Harold’s entire estate surpassed the $184,500 threshold in 2024, subjecting his heirs to potentially lengthy and costly probate proceedings.

How to Proceed:

    • Meet with an estate planning attorney to draft a comprehensive will detailing how you want your assets distributed when you die.
    • Consider placing major assets like real estate and vehicles into a living trust to avoid probate and allow them to pass directly to beneficiaries.
    • Add joint owners or payable-on-death designations to bank accounts, investments and other financial holdings to keep them out of probate.
    • Review and update beneficiary designations on retirement plans, pensions, life insurance policies and annuities to ensure they align with your estate plan.
    • Talk to your attorney about legal strategies to minimize estate value, like gift-giving and charitable contributions, to stay below probate thresholds.


    • What assets are exempt from probate in California? Assets owned in joint tenancy, living trusts, or with designated beneficiaries can usually bypass probate.
    • How long does probate take in CA if it’s required? Even simple cases take 12-18 months on average, while complex ones can drag on for 1-2 years or more.
    • What makes an estate “intestate” in California? Dying without a valid will in place leaves an estate intestate, meaning CA’s succession laws determine who inherits.
    • Do all wills have to go through probate? Yes, wills alone don’t avoid probate – they simply guide the court on how to distribute assets once probate concludes.
    • What is the survivorship period in CA for payable-on-death accounts? Beneficiaries must outlive the decedent by 120 hours to inherit, otherwise their share passes to other beneficiaries.

2. Recognize the Red Flags of a Looming Probate Nightmare

    • The Decedent Left No Estate Plan: Dying intestate guarantees the estate will face probate to sort out heirs and asset distribution.
    • Most Assets Are Solely Owned: Property that is not jointly owned, held in a trust, or assigned a beneficiary is likely to go through probate.
    • Estate Value Exceeds Small Estate Limit: As of 2024, CA estates valued over $184,500 typically necessitate full probate proceedings.
    • The Will Is Outdated or Legally Invalid: Wills improperly signed, undated or not reflecting current life realities may trigger probate disputes.
    • Heirs Are Fighting or Can’t Be Located: Probate is unavoidable if beneficiaries contest the will/trust or executors can’t find rightful heirs.


    • Brittany knew probate was inevitable when her dad died suddenly without any wills, trusts or other estate documents in place.
    • As executor, Tyrell realized most of his mother’s assets, from her house to her bank accounts, were in her name alone and would require probate.
    • Since Grandpa Joe’s estate topped $400K in real estate and investments, the family braced for the costly, time-consuming probate process.
    • With Tony’s will nearly 20 years old and unsigned, his children feared disputes and probate delays in settling the estate.
    • When two of Lisa’s cousins could not be found and another contested the will, her attorney warned that probate would be unavoidable.

How to Proceed:

    • Initiate a comprehensive search for any wills, trusts, asset inventories or estate planning documents your loved one may have left behind.
    • Consult an estate attorney and start marshalling assets to estimate the total estate value and see if it’s over California’s probate threshold.
    • Investigate which assets may be exempt from probate, like joint bank accounts, retirement funds with designated beneficiaries, living trusts, etc.
    • Scrutinize existing wills and trusts for validity, looking for proper witnesses, signatures, dates and alignment with current relationships and assets.
    • Gather contact info for all potential heirs and beneficiaries and ask if they plan to cooperate or have any objections to the estate plan.


    • Can an estate avoid probate if the decedent left a will? Not usually – wills still require probate in CA unless the estate is very small or assets are owned in trusts.
    • What makes a will legally valid in California? It must be signed by the decedent and two witnesses, be computer generated or typewritten, and reflect a sound mind.
    • How do I know if an asset is probate or non-probate? Non-probate assets have joint owners, named beneficiaries (POD/TOD) or are in a living trust. Probate assets are usually solely owned.
    • What happens if a will beneficiary cannot be located? The executor must prove a diligent search was made, then the court may distribute that share to other heirs or the state.
    • Will the state seize the estate if no heirs can be found? Possibly, if the executor’s thorough search finds no surviving family members, the assets may “escheat” to the state of CA.

3. Explore Strategies to Minimize Probate When Possible

    • Create a Comprehensive Estate Plan: Work with an attorney to prepare wills, trusts, powers of attorney and health care directives.
    • Place Assets in Living Trusts: Properly funded trusts allow property and accounts to pass directly to beneficiaries, bypassing probate.
    • Establish Joint Ownership of Property: Adding a joint tenant with rights of survivorship to titles and deeds avoids probate.
    • Use Payable-on-Death Designations: Naming POD beneficiaries on bank accounts, CDs and brokerage funds circumvents probate.
    • Update Beneficiary Designations: Verify that retirement plans, annuities and life insurance list correct beneficiaries to transfer outside probate.


    • Jack met with his lawyer to draw up a living trust, pour-over will and durable powers of attorney to keep his estate plan out of probate.
    • By transferring her condo and rental property deeds into her living trust, Debra ensured a smooth, probate-free transition to her kids.
    • As joint tenants with right of survivorship, when Alan died, his wife Karen automatically inherited their house without any probate.</
    • Margaret listed her three children as payable-on-death beneficiaries on her savings bonds and money market so they’d get the funds directly.
    • After his divorce, Tom immediately updated the beneficiary on his life insurance from his ex-wife to his daughter to avoid probate snags.

How to Proceed:

    • Inventory major assets like real estate, bank/brokerage accounts and life insurance to decide which to place in a living trust vs. name beneficiaries.
    • Consult an estate planning attorney to draft and properly execute your will, living trust and other essential documents reflecting your wishes.
    • With legal guidance, establish joint ownership for assets you want to pass to a surviving co-owner like a spouse or adult child.
    • Add payable-on-death/transfer-on-death designations to bank accounts, government bonds and security registrations to name beneficiaries.
    • Review and confirm beneficiary designations on all life insurance policies, annuities and tax-deferred retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs.


    • Are living trusts only for the wealthy? No, anyone with over $166,250 in assets (including a home) or who wants to avoid probate can benefit from a living trust.
    • What’s the difference between tenancy in common and joint tenancy? Joint tenancy includes automatic rights of survivorship, while tenants in common can each will their share separately.
    • Are there any disadvantages to adding a co-owner to my accounts? Yes, co-owners have immediate access and the account may be vulnerable to their legal/financial issues.
    • Is a payable-on-death account the same as a joint account? No, POD/TOD beneficiaries have no access or control until the owner dies, unlike joint owners.
    • What happens if I list no beneficiary on my life insurance? Then the proceeds will be paid to your estate, requiring probate to sort out the rightful heirs.

4. Know What to Expect During the Probate Process

    • Filing the Petition: The proposed executor files a petition with the probate court to open the case and be officially appointed.
    • Marshaling Assets: The executor locates and takes an inventory of all probate assets, getting date-of-death values.
    • Notifying Creditors, Heirs & Beneficiaries: Formal written notices of the probate must be sent to all interested parties.
    • Managing the Estate: The executor takes over estate assets, pays debts, files taxes and handles any disputes that arise.
    • Distribution & Closing: Once all debts and taxes are paid, remaining assets are distributed to heirs and a petition filed to close the estate.


    • As named executor, Janice filed a petition with the court to probate her father’s will and officially take charge of his estate.
    • Ryan combed through his mother’s records, making a list of all her property and accounts and tracking down recent appraisals and statements for probate.
    • The executor published a notice to creditors in the local newspaper and sent certified letters to all heirs that probate was underway.
    • Lila transitioned her dad’s utilities, mortgage and accounts into the estate, paid final bills and kept careful records for probate accounting.
    • After a year, with taxes and debts settled, Nathan filed the final probate petition and got the court’s OK to distribute remaining assets to the heirs.

How to Proceed:

    • Engage a probate attorney to guide you through each step and help prepare/file all the necessary court documents to open the estate.
    • Collect the will (if any), death certificates, property deeds, account statements, stock certificates, car titles, jewelry/collectible appraisals for probate.
    • Identify and notify all heirs named in the will (or intestate successors), beneficiaries, known creditors and other interested parties about the probate.
    • Set up an estate bank account, gather and protect assets, file tax returns, notify banks/agencies of the death, sell property as needed to pay debts.
    • After the court approves the final accounting and distribution plan, disburse remaining assets to the heirs and file a closing petition.


    • Where are probate cases filed in California? Probate is filed in the Superior Court for the county where the decedent lived, or if they’re not a resident, where they owned property.
    • How long do creditors have to file claims against the estate? In California, creditors must submit formal claims within 4 months of the executor’s appointment or 60 days of notice.
    • Can an executor be paid for their services? Yes, CA law allows “reasonable” compensation, based on a sliding scale tied to the estate’s value.
    • What happens if someone contests the will during probate? Will contests become separate civil lawsuits but can hold up the rest of the probate until resolved.
    • Can heirs be held personally liable for the decedent’s debts? Generally no – debts are paid by the estate. Heirs are only liable if they co-signed loans or jointly held assets.

5. Understand the Costs & Delays of Probate

    • Probate Takes Months or Years: 9-18 months is typical for simple estates, while contested cases can drag out far longer.
    • Executor & Attorney Fees: By law, both are entitled to compensation from the estate based on a percentage of its value.
    • Court Costs Add Up: Filing fees, appraisal costs, publication of legal notices and other misc. expenses are all paid by the estate.
    • Creditors Have Priority: Most debts and taxes must be paid before remaining assets can be released to heirs.
    • The Will Becomes Public: Once filed for probate, the will and all asset inventories/accountings become open public records.


    • Despite hoping for a quick turnaround, Rick’s simple probate case still took 11 months to wrap up due to court backlogs and waiting periods.
    • For his duties handling the $500K estate, the executor received $13K in fees, while the attorney collected $13K more – all from estate funds.
    • Between filing fees, a probate referee appraisal and publication costs, the estate was nickeled and dimed over $2,500 in court expenses.
    • Two credit card companies submitted valid claims against the estate, which had to be paid off before any money could go to the family.
    • Jim was embarrassed when his nosy neighbors pulled the probate file and gossiped about the inheritance battle and finances revealed within.

How to Proceed:

    • Consult a probate attorney for a realistic timeline and cost estimate based on your specific case complexities and likelihood of disputes.
    • Ask the lawyer and court to approve any executor fee or expense requests in writing to ensure transparency and avoid surprises.
    • Review the court’s local rules and fee schedules closely for any additional expenses like referee fees, objection fees, etc. to budget for.
    • Promptly collect on any outstanding loans the decedent made and consider selling assets, if needed, to help cover estate debts and avoid fire sales.
    • Determine if any of the will or other documents can be submitted under seal to keep sensitive information private, or consider a living trust.


    • How much does a typical probate cost in California? Total fees can range from 5-10% of the estate’s gross value depending on complexity, with most over $20,000.
    • Who is responsible for paying probate fees? The estate itself bears the cost of all probate expenses and fees, which come out before heirs inherit.
    • What happens if the estate has more debts than assets? Secured debts are paid first, then priority unsecured claims (taxes, child support, etc.) and lastly, general unsecured claims.
    • Can anything be done to speed up probate? Executors can’t cut corners, but being organized, responsive and proactive can prevent further delays.
    • Can you keep a will private in California? No, once a will is submitted for probate it becomes public record, which is why some prefer living trusts.


Woman looking shocked in front of an explosion with probate sign

Did You Know? Over $75 billion worth of California real estate alone is expected to pass via probate in the coming years as aging homeowners die. Avoid saddling your heirs with this stressful, costly burden by planning ahead.

Probate in California can be a slow, expensive nightmare for your loved ones after you’re gone, consuming 5-10% of your estate’s value in fees and dragging on for months or years, if you don’t have a solid plan in place. This court-supervised process is triggered when someone dies without proper estate planning measures like living trusts, joint ownership and updated beneficiary designations.

While not every asset has to go through probate, most solely owned property and accounts do – and in California, estates over 184,500 in 2024 face full probate. Executors and heirs should prepare for court paperwork, legal notices, creditor claim periods and potential disputes that can all hold up the process and drain money from the estate.

Need Help Navigating California Probate? Get a Free Attorney Consultation

If you’re facing probate after the death of a loved one or need advice on how to keep your own family out of probate court, it’s wise to speak with an experienced estate planning attorney. Most offer free consultations to explain how probate works, assess your specific situation and recommend the best tools to protect your assets and loved ones.

Legal Help for all of your legal needs.

Dealing with a probate estate in California? Contact us today for a free attorney consultation to discuss your options and get professional guidance.

Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of California Probate

Questions: Probate Basics

    • 1. What is the main purpose of probate in California?
      • A) To determine if a will is valid
      • B) To distribute assets to heirs
      • C) To pay the decedent’s debts
      • D) All of the above
    • 2. What is the threshold for estate values to trigger full probate in California as of 2022?
      • A) $100,000
      • B) $150,000
      • C) $184,500
      • D) $500,000
    • 3. Which of the following does NOT bypass probate in California?
      • A) Assets in a living trust
      • B) A car with a transfer-on-death deed
      • C) Property in the decedent’s name alone
      • D) A jointly owned bank account
    • 4. Who serves as the executor if there is no will?
      • A) The decedent’s eldest child
      • B) The closest living relative
      • C) A court-appointed administrator
      • D) The deceased’s attorney
    • 5. How long does probate typically take in California?
      • A) 2-3 months
      • B) 6-9 months
      • C) 9-18 months
      • D) 2-3 years

Answers: Probate Basics

    • 1. D) Probate serves to legally recognize the will, pay outstanding debts and taxes, and ultimately transfer remaining assets to the rightful heirs.
    • 2. C) As of 2024, estates exceeding $184,500 in value face full, formal probate in California.
    • 3. C) Assets solely owned by the decedent in their individual name typically must pass through probate first. Transfer-on-death deeds, trusts and joint ownership can avoid probate.
    • 4. C) If there is no will naming an executor, the probate court will appoint an administrator, usually the closest relative who is willing and able to serve.
    • 5. C) On average, probate takes 9 months to 1.5 years in CA for typical estates, though some simple cases wrap up faster while contested ones can drag out far longer.

Questions: The Probate Process & Costs

    • 1. What does an executor do during probate?
      • A) Locates and manages assets
      • B) Pays debts and taxes
      • C) Distributes property to heirs
      • D) All of the above
    • 2. Who is typically paid first from an estate in probate?
      • A) The beneficiaries named in the will
      • B) The executor for their time and expenses
      • C) Creditors with valid claims against the estate
      • D) The inheriting family members
    • 3. What is a typical fee for a California probate attorney?
      • A) A flat $5,000 per case
      • B) An hourly rate set by the court
      • C) 4% of the first $100K, then a sliding scale
      • D) 10% of the entire estate value
    • 4. Which of these is NOT a common probate cost?
      • A) Court filing fees
      • B) Appraisal expenses
      • C) Mortgage payments
      • D) Certified copies of court docs
    • 5. About what portion of an estate is often consumed by probate fees?
      • A) 1-2 percent
      • B) 3-4 percent
      • C) 5-10 percent
      • D) 15-20 percent

Answers: The Probate Process & Costs

    • 1. D) The executor is responsible for inventorying assets, handling debts and taxes, representing the estate in court, and ultimately distributing property per the will or state law.
    • 2. C) After securing the estate, an executor’s first duty is to pay valid creditor claims and outstanding bills before making any distributions to heirs.
    • 3. C) California sets a statutory fee schedule for attorneys in probate starting at 4% of the first $100,000 then decreasing percentages for higher values.
    • 4. C) The estate, not heirs, is responsible for ongoing mortgage payments (to prevent foreclosure) but the court treats this as a debt, not a direct probate cost.
    • 5. C) When all is said and done, probate fees for attorneys, executors, the court, appraisers etc. can eat up around 5-10% of the estate’s gross value in California on average.


The legal information provided in this article discussing the California probate process is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as formal legal advice and does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Laws may have changed since the article’s publication, and application of the information to specific cases will vary based on individual circumstances.

For a personalized case evaluation and legal guidance on navigating probate in California, please consult an experienced probate and estate planning attorney licensed in your jurisdiction. Most reputable probate lawyers offer free consultations to review your matter and discuss your rights and options.

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