Hot Topic’s Hot Mess: How to Claim Your Share of the $12 Million Settlement

Hot Topic's Deceptive Pricing Practices Exposed

Hot Topic faces a $12 million settlement for allegedly using fake reference prices and inflated discounts on their website. Eligible California and Oregon shoppers who made purchases between 2019 and 2024 can claim $10 in cash or store credit, with a simple online process to get their share of the settlement.

September 17, 2024

If you made a purchase on while a California resident between March 15, 2019 and July 29, 2024, or an Oregon resident between August 25, 2022 and July 29, 2024, a class action settlement may impact your rights. This guide breaks down everything you need to know about the case Jamie Zuccaro, et al. v. Hot Topic, Inc. and how to claim your share of the $12+ million settlement.

1. Understand the Allegations Against Hot Topic

    • Deceptive Discounts: The lawsuit claims Hot Topic advertised false reference prices & inflated discounts on
    • Violations of CA & OR Laws: Plaintiffs allege these practices violated California and Oregon consumer protection statutes.
    • Hot Topic Denies Claims: The company denies all allegations of deceptive pricing and believes its practices were lawful.
    • Settlement Reached: While denying wrongdoing, Hot Topic agreed to an $12+ million settlement to avoid further litigation.
    • No Admission of Guilt: The settlement is not an admission of any liability – the Court has not decided who is right.

Case Examples:

    • Taylor saw Hot Topic advertising a sitewide “20% off” sale, but noticed the listed “original” prices seemed inflated from what she normally saw.
    • Jose bought a $50 shirt “on sale” for $30, then discovered Hot Topic had never actually charged the full $50 reference price.
    • Marissa questioned if Hot Topic’s “30% off everything” promotions were really just the company’s regular pricing.

What It Means:

    • The core dispute is whether Hot Topic used fake reference prices & phantom discounts to trick customers into thinking they got a special deal.
    • California & Oregon laws prohibit false advertising & require discounts to be truthful, based on actual original prices.
    • Businesses must have clear evidence to substantiate reference prices as the actual normal selling price before a discount.
    • If you made a purchase on during the class period, the settlement presumes you saw the alleged false discounts & reference prices.


    • How do I know if the discounts I saw were fake? If the “sale” prices were actually Hot Topic’s normal prices and it rarely if ever sold items at the claimed “original” prices, the discounts may have been false.
    • Does Hot Topic admit it did anything wrong? No, the company expressly denies liability and states it settled just to avoid the cost & risk of further litigation.
    • Wasn’t it obvious the discounts were a sales tactic? While most understand discounts are used to drive sales, the lawsuit alleges Hot Topic’s practices crossed the line into violating specific price comparison advertising laws.

2. Determine If You’re a Class Member

    • California Class: California residents who made a purchase on from 3/15/19 to 7/29/24.
    • Oregon Class: Oregon residents who made a purchase on from 8/25/22 to 7/29/24.
    • No Proof of Deception Needed: If you qualify based on residency & dates, you’re automatically a class member.
    • No Proof of Harm Needed: You can participate in the settlement even if you feel you weren’t misled or overcharged.
    • Exclusions Apply: The class excludes officers of the Court, Hot Topic, its parents/subsidiaries & any who made a prior settlement.

Qualifying Examples:

    • Sarah lived in San Diego when she bought a shirt on in June 2019, so she qualifies as a CA class member.
    • Michael moved to Portland in 2021 and ordered some gifts from the Hot Topic website for Christmas 2022, making him an OR class member.
    • Tanya bought something from Hot Topic online every few months for the past 5 years while living in LA, so all her CA purchases in the class period count.

How to Tell:

    • Check your bank/credit card statements or Hot Topic account history to confirm any purchases on in the relevant periods.
    • If you lived in California or Oregon when you made those purchases, you should be included in the settlement class.
    • You don’t need to prove you saw or relied on any particular discount to be a class member, as the settlement presumes class-wide exposure to the alleged fake discounts.
    • You don’t have to still live in CA or OR now, just at the time of your qualifying purchase – so your current residence doesn’t matter.


    • What if I just visited CA or OR? The class definitions are based on residency, not just where you were when you made the qualifying purchase – so tourists are likely not included.
    • Do in-store purchases count? No, only purchases made online at during the class period qualify, not purchases at physical Hot Topic stores.
    • What if I can’t remember if I made any qualifying purchases? Check your records carefully – if you believe you may have bought something in the relevant time periods, you can file a claim or do nothing to participate in the settlement.

3. Decide If You Want to File A Claim for Additional Compensation

    • Two Settlement Benefit Options: Class members can get either a $10 Cash Benefit (check/digital payment) or $10 Credit Benefit ( store credit).
    • Credit Benefit Is Automatic: If you do nothing, you’ll automatically get a $10 Credit Benefit emailed to you once the settlement is final.
    • Cash Benefit Requires a Claim: If you prefer $10 cash instead of credit, you must file a valid claim form & provide proof of a qualifying purchase subject to a sitewide discount.
    • Proof of Purchase: Credit Benefit claims don’t require any proof, but Cash Benefit claims must include an email receipt or app screenshot showing a purchase subject to a % off sitewide discount.
    • Credit Benefit Terms: The $10 store credits are transferable, can be stacked with other promotions, never expire, and can be used on any purchase on

Cash Benefit Examples:

    • Tori found a Hot Topic email receipt showing she bought a dress in October 2020 with a sitewide “15% Off” discount, so she can file a cash claim.
    • The screenshot of Derek’s December 2019 order confirmation says “20% Off Sitewide Sale”, making it valid proof for a cash benefit.
    • Alice’s email receipt showed a July 2022 purchase but didn’t mention any discount, so she wouldn’t have a qualifying cash claim.

How to Choose:

    • Decide if you prefer cash or Hot Topic store credit – if you still shop there, you may find the credit more valuable than $10 cash.
    • The credit benefit is effortless, as you’ll get it automatically if you do nothing, without needing any proof of purchase.
    • If you have a receipt showing a % off sitewide discount and don’t mind filling out a quick form, you can opt for $10 cash instead.
    • Weigh whether it’s worth the effort to dig up old receipts – if not, the automatic $10 credit is an easy default option.


    • What discounts qualify for a cash claim? Only sitewide discounts like “20% off everything” or “15% off sitewide” that apply broadly to all/most products. Item/category specific discounts don’t count.
    • Can I get both settlement benefits? No, it’s one per class member – if you file a valid cash claim, you won’t also get the automatic credit benefit.
    • What if I don’t have any receipts? If you have no proof of a qualifying purchase, you’ll just get the default $10 credit benefit if you do nothing.

4. Submit Claim by October 27, 2024 If You Want Cash

    • Claim Form Required for Cash: To get the $10 Cash Benefit, you must file a claim form & include proof of a qualifying purchase.
    • Online or Mail Options: You can submit your claim form either online at or by mail to the Settlement Administrator.
    • Deadline is October 27, 2024: To be timely, your claim form must be submitted online or postmarked by mail no later than 10/27/24.
    • Proof of Purchase Must Show: Your name, a purchase in the class period, a CA/OR address, an order #, and a sitewide % off discount.
    • Keep Contact Info Updated: Update your info with the Settlement Administrator if your email or address changes before payments are sent.

Examples of Valid Proofs:

    • An email receipt with the subject line “Your Hot Topic Order Confirmation #123456 – 20% Off Sitewide” that lists your name and Oregon address.
    • A screenshot of your Hot Topic account order history showing a purchase at a California address on 9/1/21 with a “15% Off Everything” discount.
    • A “Hot Topic Order Details” email from June 2022 with your name, order #, and a “25% Off Sitewide Sale” line item.

How to Do It:

    • Collect any email receipts or screenshots you have showing Hot Topic website purchases during the applicable time periods.
    • Highlight where the receipt shows your name, a CA/OR address, order # and a sitewide % off discount – all must be clearly visible.
    • Go to, click “File a Claim”, fill out the form and upload a copy of your proof of purchase by 10/27/24.
    • Or print a claim form, fill it out, attach your proof of purchase and mail it postmarked by 10/27/24 to the address provided.


    • What if I can’t find a receipt by 10/27/24? If you don’t submit a cash claim with proof of purchase by the deadline, you’ll get the automatic $10 credit benefit instead.
    • Can I file more than one claim? No, it’s one cash or credit benefit per class member regardless of how many qualifying purchases you made.
    • How soon will I get my cash payment? The earliest would be late 2024 after final approval, but it may be 2025 or later depending on any appeals. Consult the settlement website for updates.

5. Understand the Scope of the Release

    • Released Claims: The settlement releases Hot Topic from any claims relating to the allegations about its pricing/discounts in this case.
    • Who’s Giving Up Rights: All class members (except those who opt out) will give up their rights to sue Hot Topic on these issues again.
    • Still Free to Opt Out: You can exclude yourself from the settlement class if you want to preserve your rights, but then you get no settlement compensation.
    • File a Claim or Do Nothing – Rights are Released: If you file a cash claim or do nothing to get the automatic credit, you’ll be bound by the settlement terms and release.
    • No Effect on Other Claims: The release only covers claims related to Hot Topic’s pricing – you keep your rights to sue them for any other issues like product defects, etc.


    • Because Jonathan participated in the settlement and got his $10 credit, he can’t later sue Hot Topic for related pricing practices addressed in this case.
    • Mariah opted out because she wanted to preserve her rights to bring her own false discount lawsuit against Hot Topic in the future.
    • After getting his $10 settlement check, Ricardo was still free to sue Hot Topic for an unrelated issue like a product defect, as that’s not covered by this release.

How to Assess:

    • Carefully weigh if you’re comfortable giving up your rights to sue Hot Topic about the pricing and discount issues alleged in this case.
    • If you want to keep those rights, you’ll need to affirmatively opt out by sending a letter to the Settlement Administrator by 9/27/24.
    • For most, a $10 benefit will be more valuable than the right to try to pursue these particular claims on their own later.
    • Remember, the settlement release is limited to the allegations in this case only – you’ll keep your rights to sue Hot Topic for any unrelated issues.


    • Do I give up my rights even if I do nothing? Yes, unless you opt out, you’ll be bound by the release if you get the automatic $10 credit or file a claim for cash.
    • What if I have my own lawsuit pending? If you’ve already sued Hot Topic on your own for these same issues, you may want to opt out so you don’t release those claims.
    • Does the release cover other retailers too? No, it only releases your rights to sue Hot Topic and its affiliated parties, not any other retailers engaging in similar practices.

6. Consider Objecting or Excluding Yourself by September 27, 2024

    • Two Options to Reject Settlement: If you don’t like the settlement terms, you can either object to it or opt out of the class.
    • File an Objection: Write to the Court by 9/27/24 detailing why you think the settlement is unfair.
    • Opt Out to Exclude Yourself: Send letter to Settlement Administrator requesting to be excluded by 9/27/24.
    • Strict Deadlines Apply: Your objection or exclusion request must be postmarked or submitted to the Court by the 9/27/24 deadline to be valid.
    • Consider Your Strategy Carefully: Objectors stay in the class, while opt-outs get no settlement benefits but keep rights to sue separately.


    • Unhappy with the low payment amounts, Maria filed an objection with the Court arguing the settlement should be rejected unless benefits are increased.
    • Bill opted out because he felt he could recover more by suing Hot Topic on his own rather than settling for just $10.
    • Skeptical of the claims process, Ana objected that claimants shouldn’t need proof of purchase to get the cash benefit.

How to Decide:

    • If you think the settlement is unfair for the class, file a formal objection with the Court detailing why and what changes would make it fair.
    • An objection keeps you in the class, so you can still get settlement benefits if it’s approved, just on terms you disputed.
    • If you want to reject the settlement entirely and preserve your rights to sue separately, opt out by sending a letter to the Administrator.
    • Opting out means you get no payment from this case, so consider that downside carefully, as most individuals’ claims may be too small to litigate solo.


    • Can I object and opt out? No, you must choose one path – if you opt out, you have no standing to object because you’ll no longer be a class member.
    • What if I do nothing? If you don’t file a claim, object, or opt out, you’ll automatically get a $10 credit and release your rights to sue when the settlement is final.
    • How many objections are needed to stop the settlement? There’s no threshold, but the Judge will consider the volume and merit of objections when deciding if the settlement is fair.

7. Mark Your Calendar for the Key Dates & Deadlines

    • September 27, 2024: Last day to postmark or file an objection or exclusion request opting out of the settlement.
    • October 27, 2024: Deadline to mail or submit online a valid claim form and proof of purchase for the $10 Cash Benefit option.
    • October 27, 2024: Cut-off to update your contact info with the Settlement Administrator to ensure delivery of your settlement benefit.
    • November 5, 2024: Final Approval Hearing where the Court decides whether to grant final approval to the settlement as fair and reasonable.
    • Late 2024 / Early 2025: The earliest that settlement benefits may be distributed if the settlement receives final approval with no appeals.


    • Set reminders in your calendar for the opt-out/objection and claim filing deadlines so you don’t miss your chance to take action.
    • Aim to mail any opt-out, objection or claim form a few days before the deadline in case of postal delays to ensure timely receipt.
    • Return to the settlement website periodically to check for any updates on deadlines, final approval status, or when payments will be sent.

How to Stay Informed:

    • Visit regularly for the latest news and information on the settlement deadlines and progress.
    • Ensure Settlement Administrator has your current email and mailing address so you don’t miss any official notices.
    • If you hire an attorney to represent you individually, ask them to monitor the docket and keep you apprised of key dates.
    • Even after the deadlines pass, check the website for updates on when the judge will rule on final approval and the claims payment timeline.


    • What if I miss the claim filing deadline? If you don’t submit a valid claim by 10/27/24, you can still get the automatic $10 Credit Benefit as long as you didn’t opt out.
    • When will the settlement be final? If the Court grants final approval on 11/5/24, the settlement will be final after the 30-day appeal window closes, unless an appeal is filed.
    • What if there’s an appeal? If someone appeals final approval, settlement benefits and payments will be on hold until the appeal is resolved, which can take a year or more.

The Bottom Line on the Hot Topic Class Action Settlement

Glowing pink "FAKE DISCOUNTS" text shattering with dollar bills

Under the terms of the settlement, all class members with a qualifying purchase in the relevant time period will get a $10 Credit Benefit automatically, or can choose a $10 Cash Benefit if they submit a valid claim form and proof of purchase.

The $12+ million Hot Topic class action settlement offers some resolution for California and Oregon shoppers who may have been misled by allegedly deceptive reference prices and discounts on the store’s website from 2019-2024.

While Hot Topic denies liability, the settlement provides $10 in automatic store credit or cash to class members who file a claim, to compensate them for any economic harm from the disputed pricing practices. Class members who want to preserve their rights to sue separately can opt out by 9/27/24.

The Court still must grant final approval, but if you believe you may be a class member, watch for official notices, visit the settlement website and decide whether filing a claim, objecting or opting out is right for you. With important deadlines approaching, now’s the time to understand your rights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About the Settlement Details:

    • 1. What’s this settlement about?
      • The lawsuit claims Hot Topic used fake reference prices and phantom discounts online to trick shoppers into thinking they got a deal.
    • 2. Who’s eligible for money?
      • California residents who made a purchase on from 3/15/19 to 7/29/24 and Oregon residents from 8/25/22 to 7/29/24.
    • 3. What are the settlement benefits?
      • Class members can get either a $10 Credit applied automatically to their Hot Topic account or $10 Cash if they file a valid claim.
    • 4. How do I get the cash benefit?
      • File a claim form online or by mail by 10/27/24 and include proof of a qualifying purchase that had a sitewide % off discount.
    • 5. What if I don’t like the terms?
      • You can object with the Court by 9/27/24 detailing why it’s unfair or opt out to exclude yourself and preserve your right to sue separately.

Key Dates & Deadlines to Remember:

    • September 27, 2024: Last day to mail or file an objection to the settlement terms or request exclusion from the class.
    • October 27, 2024: Deadline to submit a valid claim form and proof of a qualifying purchase for the Cash Benefit option.
    • October 27, 2024: Last day to update your contact info with the Settlement Administrator to ensure you get your benefits.
    • November 5, 2024: Final approval hearing date when the Judge will decide whether the settlement is ultimately fair.
    • Late 2024 / Early 2025: The soonest settlement benefits may be distributed if final approval is granted without appeals.

FAQs – Quick Answers to Other Common Questions:

    • Does Hot Topic admit to misleading pricing? No, the company denies the allegations but agreed to settle to avoid the time and expense of ongoing litigation.
    • How much is Hot Topic paying? The settlement is valued at over $12 million total between the cash/credit benefits, notice costs, attorney fees and other expenses.
    • Can I get both the $10 cash and credit? No, you can only choose one benefit or the other – if you file a valid claim for cash you won’t also get the automatic credit.
    • What if I do nothing? If you don’t file a claim, object or exclude yourself, you’ll get the $10 Credit Benefit automatically and give up your right to sue separately.
    • Is $10 the most I can get per purchase? Yes, the settlement benefit is capped at $10 per class member regardless of how much you spent or how many qualifying purchases you made.


This article does not constitute legal advice. Class members should rely on the official court-approved settlement notice and website for definitive terms and instructions.

Eligibility for settlement benefits will be determined by the Settlement Administrator based on the criteria in the settlement agreement. This summary is in no way a guarantee or promise of payment.

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