$2.7M Great Expressions Data Breach Settlement: Your Ultimate Guide to Claiming Your Share

Digital dental data breach concept

Dental patients affected by the Great Expressions data breach can now claim compensation from a $2.7 million settlement fund. Learn about eligibility requirements, available benefits, and crucial deadlines to ensure you receive your rightful share of the settlement.

October 9, 2024

If you received notice that your personal information was potentially exposed in the Great Expressions data security incident, you may be eligible for benefits from a class action settlement.

Learn about the background of the litigation, the key terms of the settlement, how to file a claim, opt out or object, and what to expect going forward. 

1. Understand the Basics of the Great Expressions Data Breach Litigation

    • What Happened: Great Expressions Dental Centers experienced a data security incident from February 17-22, 2023 that exposed patient and employee data.
    • Information Impacted: Names, Social Security numbers, financial account info, treatment details and more for nearly 2 million people.
    • Lawsuits Filed: Plaintiffs filed class action complaints against Great Expressions alleging negligence, breach of implied contract and other claims.
    • Consolidated Litigation: Five related cases were consolidated into the Great Expressions Data Security Incident Litigation in the Eastern District of Michigan.
    • Proposed Settlement Reached: After mediating, the parties agreed to a class action settlement to resolve all claims related to the data incident.

Key Terms to Know:

    • Data Breach: An incident exposing confidential information to unauthorized access, often through hacking or cyberattack.
    • Class Action: A lawsuit where one or more plaintiffs represent a whole group or “class” of people harmed in a similar way.
    • Negligence: The failure to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm or injury to others.
    • Breach of Implied Contract: When a party violates an unwritten but understood agreement, like the obligation to safeguard sensitive data.
    • Consolidated Litigation: When multiple similar lawsuits are combined into one coordinated proceeding for efficiency.

Settlement at a Glance:

    • $2.7 million fund for class member relief
    • Different benefits based on whether your Social Security number was exposed
    • Cash payments and reimbursement for losses available
    • Great Expressions agrees to implement data security improvements
    • Class members give up right to sue separately over this data breach

Causes of Action Explained:

    • Negligence: The plaintiffs alleged that Great Expressions had a duty to protect patient and employee data, failed to take reasonable precautions, and thus enabled the breach.
    • Breach of Implied Contract: By providing Great Expressions with sensitive information, the plaintiffs argued an implied agreement existed to safeguard that data, which the company violated.
    • Declaratory & Injunctive Relief: The complaints asked the court to declare Great Expressions’ data security measures inadequate and order them to make improvements.
    • State Consumer Protection & Privacy Laws: Plaintiffs claimed the breach violated multiple states’ consumer protection statutes and data privacy regulations.
    • Note: The settlement resolves these claims and Great Expressions denies any wrongdoing, but the court never ruled on the merits.

2. Review the Proposed Class Action Settlement Benefits

    • Two Main Subclasses: Settlement Class Members are categorized based on whether their Social Security numbers were potentially compromised.
    • Cash Payments: SSN Subclass can claim up to $500, subject to pro rata adjustment, just by filing a simple form.
    • Reimbursement for Losses: SSN Subclass can recover up to $500 for ordinary expenses like credit monitoring and up to $5,000 for extraordinary losses from identity theft.
    • Attested Time: Both subclasses can get up to $40 for two hours of time at $20/hr spent dealing with the data breach effects.
    • Business Practice Changes: Great Expressions commits to investing in improved data security measures like encryption, access controls and periodic audits.

SSN vs Non-SSN Subclasses:

    • The ~43,000 class members whose Social Security numbers were potentially exposed get additional relief because that puts them at higher risk of identity theft and fraud.
    • Non-SSN Subclass still benefits because sensitive medical and financial information alone can lead to phishing, increased spam, account takeover attempts, etc.
    • Both subclasses eligible for attested time payments for dealing with data breach notifications, updating account security, etc.
    • All 1.9 million class members benefit from Great Expressions’ agreement to invest in data security improvements to reduce risk of future incidents.
    • Dividing class based on SSN exposure allows settlement to efficiently provide more relief for those most at risk, while still compensating larger group.

Reimbursement Claim Examples:

    • Ordinary Losses: Costs of credit monitoring services, placing security freezes, bank fees from closing exposed accounts, long-distance charges to resolve fraud issues.
    • Extraordinary Losses: Unreimbursed fraudulent charges, costs of identity theft remediation services, legal fees to resolve new account fraud, lost wages from time off work to address ID theft.
    • Attested Time: Time calling bank or credit bureaus about exposed info, reviewing accounts for suspicious activity, updating login credentials and security settings, etc.
    • Required Proof: Provide reasonable documentation like receipts, bills, account statements, fraud reports to support claimed losses. For time, provide attestation detailing activities.
    • Fair & Objective: Settlement requires identity theft and fraud to occur after the breach and involve same type of info exposed, so only related losses covered.

Settlement Fund Allocation:

The $2.7 million non-reversionary fund will be allocated as follows:

    • Cash payments to SSN Subclass: up to $300,000 total
    • Ordinary loss and extraordinary loss reimbursements for SSN Subclass: up to $150,000 total
    • Attested time for Non-SSN Subclass: remaining funds after other payments (minimum $20/claimant, max $80)
    • Notice and administration costs: $928,254
    • Attorneys’ fees and expenses: up to $900,000 plus $25,000 expenses
    • Service awards to class representatives: $2,500 each

3. Learn About Your Options as a Class Member

    • Submit a Claim: File a claim form online or by mail by November 8, 2024 to receive any settlement benefits. You can still object.
    • Exclude Yourself: Opt out of the settlement by October 11, 2024 if you want to retain your right to sue separately. You get no benefits if you opt out.
    • Object to the Settlement: Write to the court by October 11, 2024 if you don’t like the settlement terms. You can still file a claim if you object.
    • Do Nothing: If you neither file a claim nor exclude yourself, you receive no settlement benefits but give up your right to sue independently.
    • Attend the Fairness Hearing: The final approval hearing is on December 12, 2024. You can ask to speak, but don’t have to. The court will consider objections.

The Claims Process:

    • You should have received a unique ID by mail or email to file a claim as a verified class member.
    • You can make a claim for cash payment and/or attested time with a simple form and electronic signature.
    • To get reimbursed for losses, provide a description and documentation of expenses incurred like receipts, bills, account statements.
    • Claims must be submitted online or postmarked by mail no later than November 8, 2024.
    • An experienced claims administrator will review all claims and may request additional information or deny invalid claims.

Is This a Good Settlement?

    • $2.7 million non-reversionary fund means all money (after admin costs) goes to class members – Great Expressions won’t keep anything
    • Wide range of benefits – cash, reimbursements, and security commitments – aims to address different harms class members may have experienced
    • Varied compensation based on SSN exposure recognizes different risk levels while still providing relief to all class members
    • Allows claims for hard-to-quantify time/effort dealing with breach – many settlements don’t – to compensate for lost productivity
    • Great Expressions agrees to security improvements – injunctive relief – to help prevent future incidents, not just throw money at the problem

If You Disagree with the Settlement:

    • You have the right to object to any aspect of the settlement you don’t agree with – the benefits, the amounts, the claims process, the fees, etc.
    • Your written objection must be postmarked by October 11, 2024 and include your name, address, the basis for your objection, if you plan to appear at the final hearing, and your signature.
    • The court will consider the substance of your objection, but simply objecting does not mean the settlement will be rejected. It must be fair, reasonable and adequate as a whole.
    • If you want to preserve your right to sue Great Expressions independently over this data breach, you must exclude yourself from the settlement class by October 11, 2024.
    • Excluding yourself means you cannot receive any benefits from this settlement. Consider consulting an attorney about your individual case value before opting out.

4. Understand the Release of Legal Claims

    • Released Claims: Class members give up their right to sue Great Expressions and related parties for any claim stemming from this data breach.
    • Released Parties: The dental companies, their affiliates, insurers, employees, and service providers are all protected from class member lawsuits.
    • A Broad Release: Covers all claims that were or could have been asserted based on the facts alleged, whether known or unknown.
    • Effective Upon Final Approval: If and when the Court grants final approval of the settlement and all appeals are resolved, class members will be bound by the release.
    • Your Options to Preserve Claims: You must exclude yourself from the settlement class to retain your individual right to sue. Objecting is not enough.

The Scope of Released Claims:

    • Any claims related to the Great Expressions data security incident and alleged exposure of class members’ personal info
    • Includes claims under consumer protection laws, state privacy statutes, negligence, breach of contract, and other common law theories
    • Covers claims for damages (monetary relief), injunctive relief (court orders to do or not do something), declaratory relief (a ruling of rights), etc.
    • Applies to claims that were or could have been asserted, whether actually raised in the complaints or not, based on the alleged facts
    • Gives the release the broadest possible scope and effect to achieve global resolution for the defendants

Why Is a Release Required?

    • The release is the consideration class members provide in exchange for the settlement benefits – it’s a contractual bargain
    • It provides the defendants “global peace” and a definitive end to legal exposure from the data breach, allowing them to move forward
    • Gives the defendants an incentive to settle by ensuring no further lawsuits, rather than fighting it out in court
    • Typical in class action settlements because they resolve many individual claims at once – a release is inherently part of the deal
    • The breadth of the release is proportional to the breadth of the settlement benefits, which aim to compensate all class members comprehensively

How to Evaluate If the Release Is Worth It for You:

    • Consider the benefits of a certain settlement recovery now vs. the gamble of an individual lawsuit later on your own dime
    • Weigh the strength of your potential individual case based on your actual documented losses and ability to prove legal claims
    • Compare your likely individual outcome to the settlement benefits you’re eligible for – especially since all settlement money goes to class members
    • Factor in how long individual litigation could take vs. getting compensated through settlement in the near term once it’s approved
    • Consult an attorney if needed to assess your individual case strength vs. the value of the settlement benefits and the risk of going it alone

5. Look Ahead to the Final Approval Process & Beyond

    • October 11, 2024: Deadline for class members to opt out of the settlement or file objections with the court.
    • November 8, 2024: Deadline for class members to submit claim forms for settlement benefits.
    • December 12, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. ET: Final fairness hearing where court will consider any objections and decide whether to approve the settlement.
    • If Settlement Is Approved: Great Expressions will fund the $2.7M settlement within 30 days of effective date and claims processing will begin.
    • Getting Paid: Benefits will be sent within 60 days of the effective date or within 30 days after a claim is approved, whichever is later.

What to Expect at the Final Approval Hearing:

    • The judge will consider whether the settlement is fair, reasonable and adequate for the class as a whole based on factors like the deal reached, the strength of the case, and the risks of proceeding further
    • Class members who filed written objections can appear and ask to speak, but it’s not required – the judge will still consider the substance of their submissions
    • The judge will hear arguments on the requested attorneys’ fees (up to 33% of the fund), expenses, and service awards to evaluate their reasonableness
    • After weighing the big picture of the settlement terms, the judge will decide whether to grant final approval – if so, the effective date triggers funding and payout process
    • If any class member appeals the court’s decision to approve the settlement, that could delay the effective date and thus the claims payments – but most settlements are upheld on appeal

Putting the Settlement in Perspective:

    • $2.7 million non-reversionary fund is significant considering case involved no confirmed identity theft or fraud losses to date – recovery aims to help prevent future harm
    • Typical data breach settlements provide only credit monitoring or small capped reimbursement funds – direct cash payments to all SSN class members go above that
    • Great Expressions committing to security practice improvements is a key term to help protect class members’ data long-term, apart from just monetary relief
    • Avoiding the risk, cost and delay of drawn-out litigation is valuable, especially with novel legal issues around what harm from a data breach is recoverable
    • Class members still have the choice to opt out and go it alone if they believe their individual cases are worth more, but the settlement relief aims to comprehensively compensate the class

How to Get More Information:

    • Visit the official settlement website at www.greatexpressionsdatasettlement.com for updates, key dates and online filing
    • Call the settlement administrator at (833) 522-2678 for questions about filing claims or the approval process
    • Contact the class counsel listed in the detailed notice if you need help understanding your rights and options
    • Access the court docket via Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) for the key filings and orders in the case
    • Consult your own attorney for an individualized assessment if you’re unsure whether to participate in the settlement or go your own way

The Bottom Line on This Settlement

Illuminated tooth model with digital matrix inside

The Great Expressions data security incident exposed sensitive patient and employee info, leaving nearly 1.4  million class members wondering what to do next. This settlement aims to provide them much-needed relief and closure.

Class action settlements involve a balancing act between the ideal recovery and the risks of litigation. They are a compromise by nature. But by providing cash payments, reimbursements for out-of-pocket losses, and even compensation for time spent dealing with the incident’s fallout, this deal gives real value to those harmed.

With over $2.7 million on the table and business practice changes to prevent future breaches, the class members are getting a meaningful remedy – and sparing themselves the headaches and expenses of going it alone in court. Those dissatisfied can opt out, but for most, the settlement is the surest path to putting this stressful episode behind them.

So if you’re a class member, weigh the settlement benefits against the alternatives, and decide if this resolution is right for you. The choice is yours, but now you have the facts to make an informed decision on seeking your share of the deal.

Settlement Benefits Quiz

Question #1: What’s the difference between the “SSN Subclass” and “Non-SSN Subclass” in terms of relief?

  • A) SSN Subclass gets cash payments, loss reimbursements, and time compensation; Non-SSN only gets time payments
  • B) Non-SSN Subclass is eligible for more relief since their data was less sensitive
  • C) The two subclasses get the exact same benefits, just split into different groups
  • D) SSN Subclass can file claims but Non-SSN Subclass is automatically sent payments without filing

Question #2: What’s the maximum a single class member could get under this settlement?

  • A) $500
  • B) $1,000
  • C) $5,000
  • D) Over $5,500 if in the SSN Subclass

Question #3: How do you get the cash payment of up to $500?

  • A) File a claim with basic info if you’re in the SSN Subclass
  • B) Submit documentation proving $500 in losses first
  • C) Get automatically sent a check without filing a claim
  • D) It’s only available to people who file a claim and then ask to speak at the final hearing

Question #4: What expenses count as “ordinary out-of-pocket losses” you can be reimbursed for?

  • A) Cost of credit monitoring and identity theft protection
  • B) Losses from confirmed identity fraud like unauthorized charges
  • C) Fees for freezing/unfreezing credit reports after breach announcement
  • D) Both A and C


  1. A) The SSN Subclass is eligible for additional benefits like cash payments and loss reimbursements because exposure of Social Security numbers enables more harm. Non-SSN Subclass still gets time compensation.
  2. D) An SSN Subclass member could get up to $500 cash, up to $500 for ordinary losses, up to $5000 for extraordinary losses, and $40 for time – potentially over $5500 if they qualify for all categories.
  3. A) To get the cash payment, you just need to file a simple claim affirming you’re in the SSN Subclass. No proof of loss required for that benefit.
  4. D) Expenses like credit monitoring costs and fees for credit freezes/unfreezes in the wake of the breach announcement are examples of “ordinary losses” the settlement will reimburse up to $500 each.

FAQs on Filing a Claim & Getting Paid

    • Q: What’s the deadline to file a claim for settlement benefits?
      • A: The deadline to file a valid claim form is November 8, 2024.
    • Q: Do I need a lawyer to file a claim?
      • A: No, you can file a claim on your own – but consult the FAQs or class counsel if you have questions.
    • Q: How will I get my settlement payment?
      • A: You can choose between a check and various digital payment options on the claim form.
    • Q: When will settlement payments go out?
      • A: Within 60 days of the settlement effective date or 30 days after your claim is approved, whichever is later.
    • Q: What happens if I do nothing?
      • A: If you neither file a claim nor exclude yourself, you won’t get settlement benefits but will still be bound by the release of claims against Great Expressions.

For More Details, Review the Official Settlement Documents

Key Takeaways

  • Nearly 1.4 million patients and employees impacted by Great Expressions data security incident in 2023
  • Exposed data included names, contact info, SSNs, financial account numbers, treatment details
  • Class actions filed alleging negligence, breach of implied contract, violation of privacy laws
  • $2.7 million settlement reached after mediation to resolve claims
  • Class members eligible for cash payments, expense reimbursements, time compensation
  • Those whose SSNs exposed get more relief options due to heightened identity theft risks
  • Great Expressions agrees to invest in data security improvements as part of deal
  • Class members must file claims by 11/8/24 to get benefits, or opt out by 10/11/24 to preserve rights
  • Court still needs to grant final approval after hearing – payments sent if deal finalized
  • Settlement balances risks of litigation with efficient, guaranteed class relief

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