Guilty Verdict Rocks Biden Family: President’s Son Convicted in Historic Gun Trial

Guilty Verdict for Hunter Biden

A federal jury convicted Hunter Biden on all charges of illegally purchasing a firearm while being an unlawful drug user and making false statements. This unprecedented verdict marks the first time a sitting U.S. president's child has faced criminal trial.

June 11, 2024

President Joe Biden’s son Hunter has been convicted on all charges in his federal gun trial, marking the first time the child of a sitting U.S. president has faced a criminal trial. This guide breaks down everything you need to know about the charges, verdict, and legal implications of this historic case.

1. Understand the Charges Against Hunter Biden

    • Two Counts of Making False Statements: Related to information provided on federal gun purchase form ATF 4473 in October 2018
    • One Count of Firearm Possession by an Unlawful Drug User: Alleged Biden possessed gun for 11 days while addicted to crack cocaine
    • Convicted on All Three Felony Counts: Jury deliberated for around 3 hours before reaching unanimous guilty verdicts
    • Charges Stem from 2018 Gun Purchase: Biden acquired a Colt Cobra .38 Special revolver from a Delaware gun shop on Oct. 12, 2018

Key Evidence Presented at Trial

    • Testimony from ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, widow Hallie Biden, ex-girlfriend Zoe Kestan about Biden’s drug use and erratic behavior in 2018
    • Text messages showing Biden seeking and using crack cocaine just before and after gun purchase
    • Cocaine residue found on gun case by FBI chemist’s analysis
    • Biden’s memoir passages describing depths of addiction in that timeframe

Potential Sentencing & Next Steps

    • Biden faces up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines, but as a first-time offender is likely to get a much shorter sentence
    • Sentencing set for 120 days from verdict date
    • Separate federal tax fraud trial still looming in September 2024
    • President Biden has stated he will not pardon his son if convicted

Background on Federal Gun Laws

    • Form 4473 Firearm Transaction Record: Federal form that must be completed when purchasing a gun from a licensed firearms dealer, attesting purchaser is not prohibited from owning guns
    • 18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(6): Makes it a crime to knowingly make false statements to a gun dealer about facts material to the lawfulness of a gun sale
    • 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(3): Prohibits unlawful users or addicts of controlled substances from possessing firearms or ammunition
    • “Unlawful User of or Addicted to Drugs”: Defined in 27 C.F.R. § 478.11 as someone who has used an illegal drug in past year or is addicted to a controlled substance

2. Analyze the Key Trial Evidence & Testimony

    • False Gun Purchase Form: Oct 2018 ATF Form 4473 signed by Hunter declaring he was not an unlawful drug user/addict.
    • Signed Receipt for Gun: Store record showing Hunter took possession of the gun after filling out the form.
    • Text Messages About Drug Use: Texts from Hunter discussing buying and using crack cocaine in the days before and after the gun purchase.
    • Photos/Videos of Him Using Drugs: Timestamped media taken from his devices showing him with drugs and paraphernalia.
    • Testimony of Ex-Girlfriend Zoe Kestan: Testified about his frequent crack use when staying with her during the 2018 period in question.
    • Testimony of Ex-Wife Kathleen Buhle: Described confronting him about his escalating crack use, finding a crack pipe after 2015 relapse.
    • Hallie Biden’s Testimony: Discussed his worsening addiction, her finding the illegally obtained gun in his truck & throwing it away out of concern.

Key Exhibits:

    • The false ATF 4473 form Hunter signed denying being a prohibited gun purchaser due to unlawful drug use or addiction.
    • Firearm sales receipt confirming he actually acquired the gun he illegally bought as a substance abuser.
    • Damning text messages where he discusses scoring and smoking crack right around the time of the gun transaction.
    • Shocking photos and videos extracted from Hunter’s devices catching him red-handed with drugs and paraphernalia.
    • Eyewitness accounts from those closest to him attesting to the severity and impact of his escalating crack addiction during the relevant timeframe.


    • The paper trail conclusively proves the gun purchase, the falsified form, and Hunter’s possession of the firearm for 11 days.
    • His own texts and drug photos, timestamped right before and after the purchase, powerfully show he was a prohibited gun buyer as an “unlawful user.”
    • Testimony from his inner circle about the extent and timeframe of his crack abuse destroys any notion he wasn’t an “addict” barred from gun ownership then.
    • The combination of documentary, digital, forensic and eyewitness evidence paints an overwhelming picture of his guilt on the charged gun crimes.
    • With such strong objective proof of the offense elements, the jury reached the only reasonable conclusion – guilty on all counts.

Key Takeaways:

    • The prosecution presented diverse, compelling evidence that Hunter Biden violated federal gun laws as an illegal drug user.
    • From the false gun form to his own drug texts/photos to witness accounts of his addiction, the case against him was overwhelming.
    • The contemporaneous records of his crack use right around the 2018 gun purchase were especially damning proof of his guilt.
    • With clear documentation of the gun buy and his prohibited drug abuser/addict status then, conviction was a foregone conclusion.
    • No holes in the evidence or plausible defenses existed for Biden under the uncontested facts and law, dooming him at trial.

3. Understand the Key Trial Issues & Rulings

    • Standard for Conviction: Prosecutors had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Hunter knowingly made a false statement and unlawfully possessed a gun while being an unlawful drug user or addict. (18 USC 922)
    • Admissibility of Laptop Evidence: Judge ruled data and records recovered from Hunter’s infamous laptop could be used at trial if properly authenticated.
    • Scope of Drug Use Testimony: Witnesses allowed to testify about observations of Hunter’s drug use, but not to speculate about his state of mind.
    • Relevance of Past Addiction/Rehab: Judge permitted some evidence of Hunter’s drug history and prior rehab attempts to give context to his 2018 state.
    • Barring Mention of Political Ties: Both sides prohibited from raising Biden’s political connections or making arguments related to those ties.

Notable Rulings:

    • Setting the prosecution’s high bar to prove Hunter’s knowing false statement and unlawful gun possession as a drug abuser beyond a reasonable doubt.
    • Allowing prosecutors to introduce damning laptop evidence like his drug photos/texts if they could prove the records weren’t tampered with.
    • Permitting fact testimony about witnesses’ direct observations of Hunter’s drug abuse but not their opinions on his addicted mental state.
    • Letting the jury hear some evidence of Hunter’s addiction history for context on his 2018 drug use and treatment, but not an excessive “deep dive.”
    • Forbidding either side from making arguments about Hunter’s political family ties or how a verdict might impact the Bidens or 2024 election.


    • The beyond a reasonable doubt standard is high but fair, preventing convictions on flimsy evidence while allowing them on solid proof as existed here.
    • Admission of authenticated laptop evidence like the drug images was crucial to documenting Hunter’s illegal acts and doomed his defense.
    • Limiting drug use testimony to direct observations wisely kept witnesses from improper speculation while letting key facts reach the jury.
    • Permitting relevant drug history evidence gave needed context to assess his 2018 relapse severity without unfairly putting his whole past on trial.
    • Banning political arguments rightly kept inflammatory partisan rhetoric out so jurors could focus on the evidence and law, not electoral implications.

Key Takeaways:

    • The judge’s key rulings set ground rules that were ultimately fair to both sides while allowing highly relevant evidence.
    • Admission of damning contemporaneous drug evidence from Hunter’s laptop was a game-changer for the prosecution’s case.
    • Witness testimony limits wisely focused fact-finding on Hunter’s observed drug-addicted conduct, not speculation about his mental state.
    • Permitting measured historical drug evidence gave context to his 2018 actions without letting his whole troubled past distract jurors.
    • Barring political arguments kept the trial correctly centered on Hunter’s alleged criminal acts, not the case’s electoral ramifications.

4. Analyze the Defense Case & Strategies

    • Arguing No Proof of Knowingly False Statement: Contended government failed to show Hunter intentionally lied on gun form and knew his drug use made gun possession illegal.
    • Claiming He Wasn’t an “Unlawful User” or “Addict”: Asserted his drug issues didn’t meet the legal definitions of those prohibited gun ownership categories in 2018.
    • Highlighting Periods of Sobriety: Emphasized he had stretches of not using drugs in 2018, including completing rehab program before gun purchase.
    • Questioning Reliance on Distant Drug History: Objected to prosecution focusing on his addiction issues long before the relevant 2018 period.
    • Not Having Hunter Testify: Kept him off witness stand to avoid hostile prosecution cross-examination on drug use details and history.

Notable Efforts:

    • Trying to sow doubt that prosecutors decisively proved Hunter knew his statements were false and his gun possession was unlawful.
    • Contesting his drug issues were severe enough in Oct 2018 to legally bar gun ownership under the charged statutes.
    • Pointing to periods he wasn’t actively using drugs that year, like after his summer rehab stint, to suggest he wasn’t a prohibited possessor.
    • Fighting prosecution attempts to color jurors’ views by discussing his addiction problems well before the Oct 2018 gun purchase.
    • Shielding Hunter from testifying and facing blistering cross-examination on the depths of his crack habit and addiction around the gun buy.


    • Pushing the “not proven he knowingly lied” angle was a smart necessity but doomed to fail given the strong evidence of Hunter’s awareness of his disqualifying drug use.
    • Disputing his “unlawful user” and “addict” status in 2018 made sense as the only possible defense but couldn’t overcome the contrary facts showing those prohibited states.
    • Highlighting brief sober periods did little to undermine the proof that his pervasive drug issues that year still legally barred him from having guns.
    • Objecting to older drug history evidence rightly tried to keep the focus on Oct 2018 but didn’t counter the ample contemporaneous proof of disqualifying abuse then.
    • Not calling Hunter spared him tough live questioning but also let prosecutors’ evidence go largely unchallenged, sealing his fate with jurors.

Key Takeaways:

    • Defense wisely tried to sow doubt about Hunter’s knowledge and drug abuser/addict status but had little ammo to counter the strong proof.
    • Citing sober interludes and objecting to older drug history failed to overcome the clear evidence of disqualifying substance abuse in Oct 2018.
    • Not putting Hunter on the stand avoided a grilling but let prosecutors’ case go unrebutted in jurors’ eyes.
    • With no real exculpatory evidence to offer, the defense was forced to make unconvincing technical arguments against overwhelming facts.
    • Ultimately the prosecution’s evidence was too strong to create reasonable doubt, dooming even a sound defense to failure.

5. Analyze the Prosecution’s Case & Strategies

    • Proving Lie With Signed Gun Form: Used the ATF form with Hunter’s signature and false “No” answer to drug use/addiction question to prove his knowing lie.
    • Damning Testimony From Inner Circle: Called his ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, sister-in-law to reveal firsthand knowledge of his ongoing crack addiction during 2018 gun buy.
    • Texts/Photos Corroborating Illegal Drug Use: Introduced his messages about buying and using crack before and after gun purchase, plus images of him with drugs/paraphernalia then.
    • Establishing Gun Possession Via Receipt: Documented he actually obtained the firearm illegally through the timestamped store sales record.
    • Focusing Summation on Overwhelming Evidence: Argued mountain of proof, from false form to crack use details to gun receipt, unavoidably proved the felonies beyond doubt.

Key Strengths:

    • The cut-and-dryfalse statement proof from the signed gun form itself, showing Hunter lied point-blank about his drug use/addiction status.
    • Highly credible witnesses from Hunter’s inner circle attesting to his severe, ongoing crack addiction in 2018 that clearly barred gun ownership then.
    • Devastating texts and photos from the very time of the gun purchase catching Hunter red-handed illegally seeking and using crack cocaine.
    • Ironclad documentation via the store receipt that Hunter didn’t just lie on the form but actually illegally obtained the gun too.
    • A message to jurors that convicting on this mountain of hard evidence was the only outcome consistent with their oaths to render a true verdict.


    • Introducing the false form signed by Hunter’s own hand instantly proved the lie at the heart of the case in irrefutable black-and-white.
    • Having his then-wife, girlfriend, and brother’s widow detail his 2018 crack addiction and gun incident left little room for doubt about his disqualifying drug abuse.
    • Texts and images of Hunter seeking and smoking crack right around his gun buy were a devastating, objective body blow to any possible defense.
    • The store receipt cemented that Hunter didn’t just attempt an illegal gun purchase but completed the crime by actually obtaining the firearm too.
    • Framing the verdict as an oath-bound necessity in light of the overwhelming evidence was a powerful final message that clearly resonated.

Key Takeaways:

    • The prosecution masterfully built an overwhelming case with the false form, credible witness accounts, texts/photos, and gun receipt.
    • Each piece of evidence powerfully reinforced the others to prove the key elements of Hunter’s gun crimes beyond doubt.
    • Damning firsthand testimony and contemporaneous records of Hunter’s crack use and gun incident left the defense no room for viable arguments.
    • Culminating with an appeal to jurors’ sworn duties to follow the evidence was an effective final touch to seal the inevitable guilty verdict.
    • Faced with a veritable tsunami of proof and no real exculpatory facts, acquittal here would have been a miscarriage of justice.

6. Understand What Happens After the Guilty Verdict

    • Post-Trial Motions: Defense may file motions seeking to overturn the verdict or get a new trial, but unlikely to succeed given the strong evidence.
    • Sentencing Hearing: Judge will decide Hunter’s sentence after considering pre-sentence report, federal guidelines, mitigating/aggravating factors, and arguments from both sides.
    • Potential Penalties: Each count carries up to 10 years in prison, but as a first-time offender, his sentence will likely be far lower under federal guidelines.
    • Appeals Process: After sentencing, Hunter can appeal his conviction and sentence to a higher court, but reversals are very rare for guilty verdicts based on strong evidence.
    • Pardon Prospects: As his father has taken pardon power off the table, Hunter’s only real hopes for avoiding punishment are a successful appeal or major development like prosecutor misconduct.

What to Expect:

    • A motion for acquittal or new trial from the defense arguing the evidence was insufficient, but given the strong proof at trial, these are likely futile.
    • Judge Noreika handling Hunter’s sentencing based on a pre-sentence report detailing his background, the seriousness of his crimes, and other key factors.
    • A sentence likely far below the 10-year-per-count max given Hunter’s lack of criminal history and federal guidelines for similar offenses by first-time offenders.
    • An appeal of both the conviction and sentence by Hunter to the 3rd Circuit, arguing legal errors warrant reversal, but high chances of the guilty verdict being upheld.
    • No pardon coming from President Biden to erase Hunter’s conviction as he pledged, unless some bombshell development like proof of prosecutor wrongdoing emerges.


    • Hunter’s post-trial motions will almost certainly fail given the decisive evidence of his guilt, leaving the convictions intact heading into sentencing.
    • Judge Noreika will likely hand down a sentence of 1-2 years rather than the 25-year max, based on Hunter’s clean record and the guidelines for similar cases.
    • The 3rd Circuit will probably uphold Hunter’s conviction on appeal absent a major legal error, as guilty verdicts on strong evidence are rarely overturned.
    • Hunter won’t get the pardon lifeline other presidential family members might, given his father’s pledge to let the justice system work unimpeded.
    • Barring new bombshell facts not aired at trial, Hunter will likely serve a short prison stint for his unprecedented crimes as the son of a sitting president.

Key Takeaways:

    • Hunter’s conviction is highly unlikely to get overturned on appeal given the decisive trial evidence, but he will surely still try.
    • His sentence will almost certainly be far less than the 25-year max but still probably involve some prison time given the severity of his offenses.
    • A pardon from his father is off the table due to Biden’s vow not to interfere, a stark break from how some past presidents handled family scandals.
    • Without major new facts emerging, Hunter will likely serve a brief stint behind bars, an unprecedented event for the son of a sitting president.
    • From conviction through appeal, the justice system will treat Hunter as it would any well-connected defendant found guilty on rock-solid evidence.

7. Examine the Political Fallout & Implications

    • Pressure on President Biden: Republicans will use his son’s conviction as fodder to attack him heading into the 2024 presidential campaign.
    • Potential Drag on Re-Election Bid: Though not directly implicating Joe Biden, the scandal and family drama could be a drag on his re-election effort.
    • Concerns About Preferential Treatment: Critics argue the case should have been brought sooner and accuse DOJ of slow-walking investigation and charges.
    • Calls for Further Investigations: Congressional Republicans vow to keep investigating Hunter’s foreign dealings and the Biden family’s finances.
    • Potential Backfire on GOP: Ongoing focus on Hunter could be seen as a distraction and turn off some voters if no wrongdoing by Joe Biden himself is found.

Likely Political Impacts:

    • Republicans will wield Hunter’s conviction as a political cudgel against Joe Biden, arguing it reflects poorly on the president’s judgment and family.
    • Though the President isn’t accused of wrongdoing, the conviction’s stain on the Biden name brand could nibble at his re-election chances on the margins.
    • GOP allegations of a two-tiered justice system and DOJ favoritism toward the Bidens will intensify despite the special counsel’s assurances of independence.
    • With their appetite whetted by the conviction, Congressional Republicans will double down on far-ranging probes of Hunter and the Biden family’s finances.
    • But if further investigations yield no direct wrongdoing by the President himself, voters may just see the GOP’s ongoing Hunter focus as off-putting overkill.

Future Political Scenarios:

    • In the best case for Democrats, the public sees the conviction as Hunter facing fair accountability for his personal conduct, not an indictment of Joe Biden’s character or presidency.
    • Congressional investigations could backfire on Republicans if they’re perceived as overreach, a fixation on salacious details of a troubled son rather than kitchen-table issues.
    • At worst for Biden, the conviction’s taint on his family name and relentless GOP attacks drag down his approval ratings and re-election prospects.
    • If ongoing probes uncover any direct ties between Hunter’s shady dealings and his father’s decisions as VP or president, it could seriously threaten Biden’s political future.
    • But absent such smoking guns, the question is whethervoters will see the troubled son’s crimes as a deal-breaker for the father’s re-election worthiness.

Key Takeaways:

    • Hunter’s conviction is a political gift to Republicans they’ll surely use to bludgeon Joe Biden heading into 2024.
    • While no evidence has emerged tying the President to wrongdoing, GOP attacks on his judgment and family are still likely to sting.
    • But Congressional Republicans must be cautious not to overplay their hand and turn off voters by obsessing over a troubled son’s dirty laundry.
    • Absent new revelations directly implicating Joe Biden in misconduct, the political impact of his son’s conviction may be more bark than bite.
    • Ultimately, how much the Hunter scandal moves votes in 2024 will depend on whether the public sees it as disqualifying for his father too.

Unlawful User of Controlled Substances – Jury Instructions

The trial judge likely instructed the jury on the following key points for the “unlawful user” gun possession count (paraphrased):

    • An “unlawful user” of drugs is someone who regularly uses a controlled substance in a way not prescribed by a doctor
    • Use does not have to be on any specific day, or within a certain number of days of gun possession
    • The drug use must have occurred recently enough to reasonably conclude the person was actively engaged in regular illegal drug use when they possessed the firearm
    • Regular use means repeated use on multiple occasions over an extended period of time

False Statement Counts – Key Elements

    • Form 4473 asks: “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”
    • Prosecution had to prove Biden knowingly answered “No” while aware the truthful answer was “Yes”
    • False statement must have been made “knowingly and willfully” – not a mistake or misunderstanding
    • Statement must be about a “fact material to the lawfulness of the sale” – his prohibited drug user status was legally relevant

Pivotal Testimony & Evidence in the Trial

    • The prosecution’s case heavily relied on the emotionally charged testimony from Hunter Biden’s ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, his late brother’s widow Hallie Biden, and his former girlfriend Zoe Kestan. Their accounts painted a vivid picture of the depths of his crack cocaine addiction in 2018, around the time he purchased the firearm.
    • Incriminating text messages and location data presented at trial placed Hunter Biden at the scene of drug deals, with him allegedly high just days before and after acquiring the gun. An FBI chemist’s analysis also found cocaine residue inside the gun case, further bolstering the prosecution’s argument that his drug use was ongoing and extensive.
    • The defense faced an uphill battle in convincing the jury that Biden’s past stint in rehab rendered him not an “unlawful user” of drugs at the exact moment of the gun purchase. They pointed to his daughter Naomi’s testimony that he appeared sober in October 2018, but the overwhelming evidence of his addiction seemed to undermine this narrative.
    • While the younger Biden’s high-profile status undoubtedly invited intense public scrutiny, the facts of the case as presented at trial created a compelling mosaic of guilt that was likely challenging for the defense to overcome. The question now turns to the sentencing phase and whether his family ties will be seen as a mitigating or aggravating factor.

Key Takeaways

    • This marks the first conviction of a president’s child on federal felony charges – uncharted political and legal waters
    • Demonstrates that not even the president’s son is above the law when it comes to illegal gun purchases and drug use
    • Likely to complicate President Biden’s reelection messaging around being tough on crime and guns
    • Sets the stage for sentencing fight and scrutiny of any perceived special treatment or leniency
    • Adds to pressure on Hunter as he faces another trial this fall on tax charges that could carry even stiffer penalties

The Final Verdict

Hunter Biden stands before judge and jury after guilty verdict Title: Biden Found Guilty by Jury

The historic conviction of Hunter Biden on federal gun charges related to his drug use marks a pivotal moment for the Biden presidency and the 2024 campaign landscape. It also sheds light on the complex interaction between America’s gun and drug laws.

While the younger Biden is unlikely to face the 25-year maximum sentence, the felony convictions give ample political ammunition to the President’s detractors. The White House will be forced to walk a tightrope of continuing to support Hunter as a son while unequivocally condemning his criminal conduct.

Need Legal Help? Contact LawInc

If you or someone you know is facing federal gun charges or any other criminal accusations, it’s crucial to have experienced legal representation on your side. Contact us if you are seeking legal representation in a criminal matter for any other type of legal help.

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Test Your Knowledge of Federal Gun Laws


  1. It’s illegal under federal law for an “unlawful user” of drugs to possess a firearm or ammunition. How far back does that drug use have to be to qualify?
    • A) Last 48 hours
    • B) Past 30 days
    • C) No specific timeframe, just has to be recently enough to indicate active, regular use
    • D) Only current use at the exact moment of firearm possession
  2. Federal law prohibits making false statements to a gun dealer about what key fact?
    • A) Your age
    • B) Your criminal history
    • C) Your state of residence
    • D) Any fact material to the lawfulness of the sale or transfer
  3. What must prosecutors prove to convict someone of “knowingly” making a false statement on a gun form?
    • A) You were aware that the statement was false when you made it
    • B) The truth would have made you a “prohibited person” barred from having guns
    • C) You intended to deceive the gun dealer so they’d sell you the firearm
    • D) Both A and B
  4. Which of the following is NOT a category of person prohibited from possessing firearms under federal law?
    • A) Convicted felons
    • B) Fugitives from justice
    • C) Unlawful users of controlled substances
    • D) Registered Democrats
  5. Federal law prohibits a person “adjudicated as a mental defective” from buying or owning guns. What does that mean?
    • A) Anyone who has ever seen a therapist or counselor
    • B) Anyone currently taking psychiatric medication
    • C) Anyone found by a court to be a danger to self or others due to mental illness
    • D) Anyone diagnosed with anxiety, depression, or PTSD


  1. C) No specific timeframe, just has to be recently enough to indicate active, regular use. There’s no bright line, but courts have upheld convictions for use ranging from a few weeks to 14 months before gun possession.
  2. D) Any fact material to the lawfulness of the sale or transfer. This includes age, criminal history, prohibited person status, etc. – anything that would legally bar you from buying that gun.
  3. D) Both A and B. The lie must be intentional (not a mistake) and about something that would have actually made the sale illegal had the truth been known.
  4. D) Registered Democrats. While some argue gun laws can be politicized, your party affiliation alone does not make you a prohibited person under current federal law.
  5. C) Anyone found by a court to be a danger to self or others due to mental illness. This requires a formal adjudication process, not just a diagnosis. The person usually must have an opportunity to participate and present evidence.

Additional Resources on Federal Gun Laws:

The Final Verdict

The historic conviction of Hunter Biden on federal gun charges related to his drug use marks a pivotal moment for the Biden presidency and the 2024 campaign landscape. It also sheds light on the complex interaction between America’s gun and drug laws.

While the younger Biden is unlikely to face the 25-year maximum sentence, the felony convictions give ample political ammunition to the President’s detractors. The White House will be forced to walk a tightrope of continuing to support Hunter as a son while unequivocally condemning his criminal conduct.

As the sentencing phase unfolds and another trial looms, the legal saga of the President’s son is far from over. Separating fact from fiction and following authoritative sources will be key to cutting through the political noise and understanding the real implications. No matter your political stripes, all can agree that no one is above the law – not even the child of the Commander-in-Chief.


The legal analysis in this article on the Hunter Biden gun trial verdict is provided for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as formal legal advice. Speak to a licensed criminal defense attorney in your area for counsel specific to your situation. Laws and sentencing guidelines vary by jurisdiction.

Also See:

Jury Selection Begins in Hunter Biden’s Explosive Federal Gun Case
