A loan out company is a great way to save on taxes and limit lawsuit liability.
by LawInc Staff
January 20, 2023
Are you an actor, athlete, musician, model, producer, writer, YouTuber or other professional interested in forming a loan out company? Loan out companies can take the form of S corporations, C corporations or LLCs and provide many benefits.
5 Benefits of a Loan Out Company
1. Tax Benefits |
If your loan out company is set up as an S corporation, you can potentially save thousands of dollars on taxes (depending on how much you make). Consider forming a loan out company for significant tax savings. |
2. Liability Protection |
Who wouldn’t want to bolster their protection from lawsuits and help protect their personal assets. Forming a corporation or LLC can provide excellent asset protection (as long as it is properly formed and maintained). |
3. Separate Credit |
A loan out corporation or LLC allows you to build separate company credit. This can be used to access funding for your company. |
4. Retirement Planning |
A loan-out can help you prepare for retirement by facilitating contribution to a 401(k) or other retirement plan. |
5. Credibility |
Using a loan out corporation or LLC can give you more credibility. |
LawInc Can Help You Start Your Loan Out Corporation or LLC
If you would like to form a loan out corporation or LLC, LawInc is here to help.
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