by Sheren Javdan
May 20, 2014
Scott and Julie Brusaw, co-founders of startup company Solar Roadways Incorporated, an Idaho corporation, have revolutionized the common concept of solar energy conversion.
The duo has set out to raise $1 million through IndieGoGo, to accomplish their dreams of transforming ordinary street roads and highways into solar panels that can power the country.
Before & After Solar Roadways
Solar Roadways are a system of modular solar panels that convert sunlight into energy. Although they do not come cheap, Solar Roadways will eventually pay for themselves, generating enough electricity to power homes and businesses. The Solar Roadway system can be installed anywhere from highways, parking lots, bike paths and even playgrounds and can withstand weights of up to 250,000 pounds.
A Vision
As a young child, before solar power was popularized, Scott, an electrical engineer envisioned electric roads. More than 40 years and two prototypes later, the startup company is on its way to make Scott’s visions a reality.
The startup company has received two phases of funding by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration for both research and development of a paving system that is figured to pay for itself over the years. In an attempt to complete the second phase of their project, building a prototype parking lot, the company has sought out funding through IndieGoGo.
With their initial investments in 2009, the startup company created a team that helped create a clear impact-resistant casing strong enough to support 250,000 pounds.
How Does it Work?
The startup company created solar roadways that interlock hexagon shaped tempered glass panels that have been tested for impact, load and traction. The panels are embedded with photovoltaic panels that are a sustainable source of energy.
Hexagon shaped glass panels
The photovoltaic panels use semiconductors to generate electrical power by converting the radiation from the sun into electricity. The panels will take place of traditional roads and parking lots and can generate electricity for homes through their driveways.
The roads will also generate a light at night making it easier for drivers to see the divider lanes and warning signs on the road.
Illuminated roads
The glass panels also house self-powered heaters that will prevent snow and ice buildup during a a cold winter and small LED bulbs that sense objects on the road and warn approaching drivers of the potential hazardous conditions ahead.
The startup company is also researching ways to integrate the solar roadways into a more basic everyday task such as driving. The company hopes to find a way to use the roadways to charge electric vehicles while driving.
To find out more about the startup company you can follow them on their Facebook or you can track their fundraising and make a donation on IndieGoGo.
Topics: Small Business, Solar Energy, Startups