How It Works
How It Works
We make trademark registration simple. Once you complete the trademark order process, we take care of all the time-consuming legal formalities… so you don’t have to.
Complete the trademark questionnaire. Complete our short trademark questionnaire which was created by our experienced trademark attorneys. Once you are finished, fax the completed trademark questionnaire to 1-800-988-LAWINC (5294). We will contact you shortly thereafter. If you are unable to answer of the trademark questions, don’t worry. Simply leave them blank. |
We create and file your trademark documents. A trademark attorney will contact you in order review the trademark information you submitted and personally answer your trademark related questions. Once everything is confirmed, we will conduct a comprehensive trademark search and the file the trademark application with the US Patent & Trademark Office on your behalf. |
You receive your trademark documents and final instructions. You will receive a copy of the necessary trademark documents and final instructions. |